Saturday, December 17, 2011


Sundays are either my favorite day of the week or hardest, depending on whether Beez is home or not. When he is working Sundays its not even the getting my kids ready and hauling them all there alone that's hard, its the battle of trying to keep them somewhat reverent when we get there. This last Sunday was worth documenting. Beez was working so we are an absolute sight at church, as usual. The babies were crazy and Bode and Max were tired from going to bed late the night before because of our ward Christmas party. We provided the entertainment for everyone during sacrament meeting to say the least. For the second hour I go to nursery with the twins because they were only one week away from going and I was teaching the young womens lesson so they said I could bring them a week early. They did great, didn't even care or notice if I was there or not til it was time for me to leave. So, I end up with both of them in young womens, and just as I am about to start my lesson Simon starts throwing up EVERYWHERE. The beehives cleared the area fast and were saying, "Eeew, I am going to be sick." Everyone helped me clean it up and then I went home...classic.
Come to think of it there are a couple more that might be worth documenting as well. A few Sundays ago, the boys were getting a bath and Simon poops in the tub so they get moved to my bathtub, then Dexter poops. Needless to say, we were late:)
And a couple of months ago Beez and I were asked to give talks. I go first so I get to go sit up on the stand while Beez has the kids for the first half of the meeting, when I get up and start speaking things all of a sudden get out of control on the 'Roberts row.' Simon is trying to crawl up to me, Dexter is throwing a fit, and I cant concentrate enough to go on with my talk. I am pretty sure the whole audience was watching since we sat close to the front...not smart. Finally, Beez grabs Simon (who is now on his way up to me again) and Dexter and leaves the chapel and then five other people go out to see if they can help...classic.

1 comment:

Mia said...

One thing is for sure, your life is never dull! This blog is so comical and I simply love it because it is so YOU!! I miss you and am glad I get to read these stories I miss out on.