Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday picnic at the Firestation

Went to the firestation on Sunday, while Beez was working, and had a little picnic for dinner. Just a few cute pictures. Bode was there too, but found some friends at the park and so he didn't hang around us much.  Beez is pretty much the cutest dad, and as you can tell my boys are crazy about him.

Hee-man move, or something like that.
These are two classic Dex expressions, now I will never forget them if they change.

The second picture of Simon is also a classic Simon expression.  It's crazy how these two have only been around for almost a year and a half, but I already can't remember life without them.

My hot husband in uniform.
What a fun Sunday picnic with my little family.  Life is good!


Mandy said...

Those are some cute boys! Love Max's haircut.

Katie and Lane said...

your boys are so handsome. I love all their blue eyes